supreme bagmaster Jessica Alba was recently identified en route to Paris fashion Week by means of LAX, carrying a bright red Saint Laurent Sac de Jour Bag. She’s also wearing a pair of black leather Jenni Kayne d’Orsay flats. You can find Jessica’s exact “rouge” Sac at Nordstrom for $2,950. While we rarely see her carry the same handbag twice here on PB, we know for a fact that Jessica swears by her Jenni Kaynes. You can currently find a pair of black Jenni Kayne flats on sale at Saks for $418 (down from $595).
When it pertains to the sort of handbag-centric celeb pics we specialize in here at PB, Jessica is one of our a lot of premium suppliers. Her handbag stash is nearly as huge and varied as her selection of acting roles over the course of the last two decades. You can peruse the majority of her ever-expanding collection in “The lots of Bags of Jessica Alba” and “The lots of Bags of Jessica Alba, part Two.” We’ll continue to bring you coverage of Jessica’s by-the-minute handbag acquisitions, ideal here on PurseBlog.