While shopping today I realized that all not all logo bags are created equal. If any of you recall, I’m not a huge fan of logo bags. actually my mom is even more conservative than me. If a bag has a logo on it, my mom runs the other way. She doesn’t want people to know what she carries. but then again when she is carrying Gucci, Prada, and Chloe some people will most definitely eye ball and recognize her bags (just don’t tell her that- she is living in a dream world :-)). much to my surprise when we walked into Dior she immediately was drawn to a certain logo bag and liked it not just on me but also on her. The world gets a little funnier every day!
The Dior flight Flap tote shows off the new Dior logo denim canvas and is trimmed in dark blue calfskin. For any of you wondering what one of the next big colors out there is, my mom and I saw orange/rustic orange being shown by many designers (which my mom loves- hint hint dad if you are looking or anyone else who can afford a bag for my mom because I am officially broke!). To show off some aspects from the Dior flight line, there is an orange canvas belt detail and an orange neoprene Dior flight tag hanging. For a little more of that hip orange color, the bag shows off orange topstitching. On the outside there is a handy pocket with button details and a snap closure. The inside of the bag has a zip pocket and satin finished textile lining. also a big perk of the Christian Dior handbag is that it expands a bit by adjusting the side belts. When I tried the bag on, the rolled leather handles with polished silver metal links fit perfectly under my arm and the bag just looked almost too cute to pass up. then again, if I were buying bags because they were too cute to pass up today, I would be stalked by all major credit card companies starting right about now. The bag is a good everyday size of 16.5″ x 11.4″ x 7.5″. available through the lovely Dior boutiques or eLuxury for $1425.