With the handbag boom, it seems to be a difficulty to discover reasonably priced bags. reasonably priced is rather the oxymoron. To many of us handbag lovers, the word reasonable would mean the bag made it under a grand (that is in comparison to many of the hit bags out there). My mom still looks at me shaking her head as well as rolling her eyes when I show her bags that I love. My dad’s reaction is even worse. He finds bags “ridiculous”. They are one of my passions- as well as most likely one of yours too, so we comprehend this pricing a bit more. I comprehend it, doesn’t mean I always like it or can pay for it. If you are trying to find a black bag that won’t make your budget totally black (as in empty), think about this edgy Furla big Drawstring Shopper. made from black leather as well as accented with silver metal hardware as well as studs, this bag has a little additional something than an normal black bag. The shoulder straps are connected to the bag by rings, as well as the bag closes with a drawstring top. I kinda like this bag- it is a little different however still chic as well as practical. buy it via Neiman Marcus for $345.